Everything You Need To Know About Popcorn Ceilings

The Painting Company San Diego is not able to assist with asbestos testing or removal of popcorn ceilings that contain asbestos.
For assistance with these needs, please contact either of the following providers.
San Diego Testing
San Diego Abatement Services
During the 1930s, stucco ceilings or most commonly known as popcorn ceilings, are extremely popular. That bump texture in the ceiling is also called acoustic finish or textured finish by builders. They are popular as they do have benefits for the homes. Popcorn ceilings offer noise-dampening advantages as well as fire-resistance. It also effectively conceals ceiling imperfections.
While popcorn ceilings are extremely effective in eliminating echoes in a room, they later found out that asbestos, a material used for stucco ceilings, is toxic. When these toxic substances are disturbed, the dispersed fibrils are known to cause lung diseases when they are inhaled in large quantities. However, the substances are not harmful when contained.
Because asbestos can cause health problems, in 1977, the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the use of asbestos in textured paint. During this year, most manufacturers have switched to using paper fibers for the popcorn ceilings. However, there are some stores that still sell materials that contain asbestos. If your home is built before 1977, chances the popcorn ceilings in your homes may contain asbestos.
Asbestos cannot be seen with the naked eye. The only way to find out would be to get a sample of your ceiling by scraping a small amount and have it tested at an EPA-accredited lab.
When obtaining a sample, it is recommended that you do not expose any of your body parts and wear a respirator mask. Cover both feet and hands to avoid getting in contact with particles from the ceilings.
It would also be better if you hire a professional to take a sample, for safety purposes.
Problems with Popcorn Ceilings
Although not all popcorn ceilings contain asbestos, they still do not contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the home. They may even affect the home’s resale value. If you are planning to sell your homes in the future, consider removing the popcorn ceilings to increase your home’s value. When a popcorn ceiling is damaged by cracks or stains, it may also be difficult to find an exact match of its texture or color.
How About Painting Your Popcorn Ceilings?
Removing your popcorn ceiling is ideal, but if you simply do not want to, another option would be to paint them. This will work if the texture isn’t shedding or sagging. To paint your ceiling, you will need to first get rid of all the dust that has accumulated in the ceiling with a soft-bristled brush. Apply a ceiling primer for preventing stains and spots. Start painting when it dries. Also, you may contact The Painting Company San Diego for all your painting needs.
Removal Options for Popcorn Ceilings
If you want a modern home, consider getting a popcorn ceiling removal service to assist you with removing the stucco ceilings in your homes. They are popular only in the 1930s – today, they are simply visually unappealing.
Below are some removal options that you can consider. To find a professional contractor for assistance, try searching for popcorn ceiling removal services near me or a popcorn ceiling removal company near me.
Ceiling Replacement
An alternative to removing popcorn ceilings is by replacing the drywall. This method of removal may be a little expensive but it’s effective in encasing asbestos. Go with a reputable company to better assist you with replacing the ceiling with new drywall. It may cost you between $4 – $6 per square foot. Talk to a San Diego popcorn removal company to know which option is best for you.
Ceiling Scraping
While homeowners are allowed to scrape off popcorn ceilings, it’s always ideal to hire a professional for it. You can remove it with the help of a scraper, spray bottle, and floor coverings, but it’s a strenuous activity that requires patience and hard work. It’s definitely not ideal for a beginner. Imagine when you have to stand for hours on a ladder — this activity is labor-extensive and requires the assistance of a professional. Also, scraping is messy and challenging.
Compared to ceiling replacement, this option is a lot cheaper. It would cost between a dollar to $2 per square foot. The only downside to scraping the ceiling is you may not be able to achieve a smooth finish especially when they have been painted. But a good contractor should be able to assist you with effectively scraping your popcorn ceilings.
Covering the Ceiling
To improve the overall look of a room, you can also install the options below:
Warm wood – To create a modern look to your sitting area or den, go with a multi-tonal wood. This is also ideal especially when you have rustic-inspired decorations.
Beadboard – You can never go wrong with a classic beadboard whether you prefer either a modern or traditional look. This option is also affordable — it would cost about 50 cents per square foot. Opt for a glossy paint if you want a contemporary look in your space.
Pressed Tin – Whether you use a fiber substitute or tiles, this option gives your home a classic look. Paint it with either gray or white for a cool look. If you prefer a dramatic ambiance, consider giving it a metallic finish.
Hiring a Pro
When you decide to remove your dated textured ceiling, hire a San Diego popcorn removal company to help you get the modern ceiling of your dreams.
Contact The Painting Company San Diego
Are you looking for a popcorn ceiling removal service in your area? Get in touch with us today. We are committed to increasing the value of your home by modernizing it and improving your home’s overall appearance. We also pride ourselves on employing only the most competent and the best painters in San Diego county. Rest assured, we will meet or better yet, exceed your expectations especially when it comes to removing popcorn ceilings. Contact us online for a quote on a popcorn ceiling removal project today!