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When it comes to managing a business, very few individuals contemplate the intricacies of color psychology. But the truth is that proper use of color psychology can transform how your business works.

It can affect everything from your image to your employees to how your business is reacted to by customers. It can become one of the most important design element choices of them all.

But how exactly? Here at The Painting Company, we’ve outlined the 7 major ways in which color psychology can impact your business. All you need to do is read through this post and figure out all the ways in which you can utilize these ideas in your own business.

1. Color Psychology: Impacting Workplace Mood

Color psychology is broadly defined as how color impacts us emotionally. One essential way this can be used in your business is directly in your workplace.

Different colors have a different meaning, known as color meaning. Think about the colors you already have in your workplace.

Maybe you’re using an uninviting black paint in your entranceway, or an aggressive red in your bathrooms. This negatively affects the mood of not just your employees, but your staff also.

And it’s a simple change, all your interior needs is a lick of paint! Take a look at these popular choices for interior design colors, and think about which would be best for your business.

This is a quick change that can significantly impact the first impressions of your business to customers. We all know how important first impressions are!

2. Using Red to Call For Action

Red is renowned for being an aggressive color that should only be used in moderation. But it is also used as a call for action, as it makes people react quickly. Red is one of the more complex and mind-warping colors around that can be used to great effect in your business premises design.

This is also perfect for things like your website contact buttons or other aspects of your website design. A small dose of red can impact the psyche of your readers and make them gravitate towards a certain part of the page.

Think about how you could encourage engagement with your business by sparse uses of the color red.

3. Linking Your Business to Your Sector

One essential aspect of color psychology is how colors make us think about certain business types. For example, blue is often used for companies in the healthcare sector due to its calming qualities.

Meanwhile, heavily eco-friendly businesses tend to use green in a lot of their branding because of the environmental connotations it has. Using color psychology can be a great way to link your business in with the wider sector it’s operating within.

This can be vital for informing your customers quickly and easily what kind of business you have.

4. Appeal To Your Target Customer

It is well known within color psychology that certain colors impact different people or genders differently. For example, women tend to prefer the color grey in comparison to men, whereas men are more attracted to purple. Using the right color can be a great way to appeal directly to your target market.

Think about how the color of your products can be used to appeal to a certain demographic. Or, how your advertising can switch color schemes to attract a whole new kind of person to your business.

Make sure you don’t make any paint-related mistakes by appealing to the wrong audience thanks to your color choices!

5. Color Psychology Accentuates Your Brand

Similar to how it links your business to your sector, color psychology is a fundamental way to build your brand. It can craft you a specific identity catered to the right audience and the right sector for you.

Think about color schemes, for example, which is one of the first things you must settle on when building a brand. If creating a brand for women, you should go with softer colors overall, compared with bolder colors to attract men to your business.

Think also about how choosing out-there colors can make your business stand out if done properly. Many businesses shy away from using the color brown, but if done properly with the right business it will make you stand out. Just make sure if you try this that you’re standing out for the right reasons!

6. Subliminal Marketing

Color psychology works as subliminal marketing, which means it makes people feel a certain way about a product without even actively thinking about it. This is essential when it comes to marketing your business to customers.

You can impact how your customers feel towards your business using the right colors. If you use a lot of blue and black, your business could be interpreted as relaxing, approachable and sophisticated. With a lot of red and yellow, your brand can be seen as bold, inviting, and exciting, particularly if its an F&B business.

7. Get People Emotional, Creating Repeat Custom

Color psychology isn’t just subliminal in marketing, it subliminally affects emotions. You want people to get emotional about your business so that they interact with it regularly.

With color psychology, you can direct these emotions to make sure they’re the right kind of responses for your company. You can make people feel welcomed by a deep blue color palette, or excited by the possibilities that a bold, blank white color scheme offers them.

This emotional response is what keeps customers coming back to your business long after the first visit.

Want to Find Out More About Color Psychology?

If you want to find out more about color psychology and how it can impact your business, you’re in the right place!

Here at The Painting Company, we focus not just on helping make residential properties sing through their color choices, but commercial properties too. This way, we can inspect your premises alongside your brand to figure out what option is best for you.

We also offer a free initial estimate! If you’re interested in finding out more about how we can help your business, make sure to contact us directly.

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The Painting Company San Diego
Phone: 619-937-2468

9528 Miramar Rd, Unit #6109
San Diego, CA 92126

Passionate about painting, the professionals at The Painting Company of San Diego are ready for your next project! Call today!

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